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CBD oil is becoming an emerging remedy to sleeping disorders, but is it really for you? Ever found yourself snoozing behind a laptop? Working late? Or just run down? The chances are you are not getting as much sleep as a well-functioning body needs. A jam-packed day requires consistent and uninterrupted sleep in order to recover, and CBD has proven to be a helpful aid in achieving this.
A bad day at work, a stressful meeting or even the general day to day stressors, these are just some of the things that can have a lasting impact on our sleep, and are sometimes the reason you’re unable to function the next day. Some studies suggest that the use of Cannabidiol calms down stress hormones and brings serotonin levels to a normal level in your brain, ensuring a regular and healthy sleep pattern..
With Cannabidiol having been made legal in November 2018, different studies have been undertaken in order to try and maximize its capabilities as a medical treatment. As such and over the last decade, Cannabidiol has helped patients suffering from Parkinson’s Diseases and Cancer, amongst other illnesses. According to a study published in 2017, findings concluded that cannabidiol may help reduce REM sleep behavior disorder as well as excessive daytime sleepiness.
It is wise to say that the studies are still on-going and will in time, reveal the full potential of cannabidiol. In the meantime, it continues to be a non-prescription option for sleep disorders.
Made in the UK, we combine a selection of essential extracts & Ayurvedic Botanicals. Most people know our product for its natural, therapeutic & antioxidant properties. We blend it with our premium quality CBD oil to create an organic and effective aid for a restful and deeper sleep.
Our formula is renowned for to their health beneficial vitamins and minerals for essential wellbeing. The essence of CBD oil infused with lavender, valerian, chamomile, bergamot, avocado, passionflower, pomegranate and turmeric are proven, natural remedies to relieve fatigue and insomnia.
CBD oil is becoming an emerging remedy to sleeping disorders, but is it really for you? Ever found yourself snoozing behind a laptop? Working late? Or just run down? The chances are you are not getting as much sleep as a well-functioning body needs. A jam-packed day requires consistent and uninterrupted sleep in order to recover, and CBD has proven to be a helpful aid in achieving this.
Does CBD effectively relieve physical distress and pain? What ages or types of health conditions does it serve? Read on to find out more. While pain or chronic pain (lasting over 12 weeks) are a burden on your emotional, physical and economic health, not every treatment or remedy can cure you. In fact, some can end up making the conditions worse. So, it’s important to do your research and consult with an authentic source before choosing an option.
Cannabidiol, also known as CBD is an organic compound you can use and can be blended into an oil, balm, droplets or cream to reduce your anxiety or stress. We extract it organically from hemp plants, which is then used to formulate our products. CBD oil is proving to be an effective remedy when it comes to battling the effects of anxiety. Almost 15% of the UK’s population has consumed cannabidiol at some point in their life.
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